Twickenham Stadium
In 2019, Onyx replaced 119 fire doors for the first phase of an installation project at Twickenham Stadium, the home of English rugby.
Twickenham Stadium
Stadiums & Arenas
Services Provided
Passive Protection
In 2019, Onyx replaced 119 fire doors for the first phase of an installation project at Twickenham Stadium, the home of English rugby.
Issues & Solutions:
All fire doors were supplied by an accredited manufacturer and installed in accordance with the BM Trada Q-Mark scheme and plugged/labelled as such to ensure traceability.
All replacements were like-for-like in terms of assembly and handing, with all finishes recommended in the proposal document. All doors met current building and fire safety regulations and following installation, any certification, door O&M manuals and burn/test certificates were passed to the client to signify compliance.
Newly installed doors were uploaded to the Bolster system along with asset specific details such as ironmongery, dimensions, door type, material, finish along with photographic evidence of installation. These were immediately available to the client.
As this was an international stadium that acted as a venue not just to rugby matches but to a whole range of prestigious activities all the year round we had to naturally plan accordingly as the site had to remain operational throughout the duration of the works.
This meant regular and effective communication between our site operatives, those of the client, and the numerous members of staff who worked at the stadium on a daily basis to ensure everyone was aware of where and when the work was being carried out.
This also entailed working at irregular hours and much of the contract was completed during the early hours of the morning. We used our finger-print scanner to ensure only authorised personnel had access to the site.
We have enclosed two reports of two separate door sets that show the full history from initial survey to fully complete installation.